Wednesday, February 23, 2011

香港雜評: 程益中:一個報人的反思(在香港大學的演講)

香港雜評: 程益中:一個報人的反思(在香港大學的演講): "先講兩個故事。 第一個故事:我週一從廣州出發來香港,途徑我老東家南方報業集團門口,看到有很多人在那裡喊冤請願。這是在南方報業集團門口經常見到的場景。按理說,中國老百姓喊冤應該去法院,請願應該去政府;但是大家都知道,法院沒門,政府沒門,弄得不好還要被抓進去,申不了冤、達不成願事小..."

Monday, February 21, 2011

Close To The Nature

United States is where you can get close to the nature, really close, especially when I went biking and fell down to the earth.
With little experience of biking on a trail, I just gave it a big try like a child always does. I would say, this is most exciting and scary thing I’ve ever done in my life!!! Even more scary than got a 30-sec shot from the doctor ;)

The weather is nice, making thetrail dry and not muddy. When warming up myself, I could feel it will be a challenging taskfor me and yes it is. The trail totally is 5.5 miles long and 12 inches wide
, along which are beautiful nature, quiet lake and scary traps. Big and small roots lay on the ground randomly, forcing me to enjoy the free massage on my hip when I do not want. It goes up and down, left and right, which increase the difficulty of getting through it without falling down. Also, it’s a good practice to learn how to use the gear: high gear when going downward and low gearfor climbing. I have tried but ended upkeeping on “1” all the time so that I got less chance to fall down, but still I fell down every several minutes. I just want to get close to the nature ;)

Passing some 2/3 of the trail, we met, Josh’s favorites, the big U-Shape loop. Going down straight from 3-4 meters high and then up is not only fun, it’s amazing. “Blank out the fear! Focus!! Just focus on how to ride. You Can!! 6-YEAR-OLD KIDS ARE DOING THAT!!!!!!!” “OMG, OMG, this would be my last time….” And then I biked forward and hit the tree, no the tree hit my chin…so embarrassing… Let’s start it over again!! I biked, I screamed down and OH, I got it. HOooo, it’s like riding on a roller coaster. WOWL~~~~~~

Around 2 and half hours after departing, I have been finally been qualified as an advanced biker! Certifications are everywhere on my legs, arms. Hooray~~ Wait, Take picture as my unforgettable memory.

On the way back, we grabbed some frozen yoghurt and desserts, which are just like ice cream but nothing else. 100 calories for 4oz, it’s not too bad. Hopefully it is the “real” healthy.

PS: Let's ROCK~~

Escape From Freedom

最後還是決定退掉 “設計”的課, 每周10+ 以上畫稿不是我能承受的… 僅以此紀念我短暫的藝術生涯. French Curve Rainbow, 故以french fries make it.

過去的幾周,都玩得自己姓啥了, 美國人告訴我,這叫做 酷. 晚上到處蹦蹦跳跳, 在教堂
山吃喝玩樂吸大麻, 回來蒙頭便睡,醒來又是新的一天,又是朋友生日,又可以吃喝玩樂,打wii打飛機. 這樣的生活很像很像我原來一直惡心的那種, 媽老漢有錢老出來鬼混的富二代.原來做富二代這麼容易. 我當初並不是抱著做富二代的心態來交換的.

那時,信心比天高,豪情萬丈的說 “要在這兒讀至少5本書,要和本地/國際學生探討很正的話題,要和教授搞好關系搾取知識,有和本地朋友建立深厚的友誼,要找到好的暑期實習……” 數了數,好像還沒有哪個算是正常進行中的. 那天和之前在這兒交換的朋友短短聊了幾句,他的話讓人覺得這樣很心安理得, “this is what life is supposed to be”.後來又碰到我媽,我似乎都不敢說我在這邊是如何瘋狂的, 她的期望比高考上清華北大還難.

另外,之前買的一堆書全部都到了,足足7本,讓人很開心,很惆悵. 既然這兒太自由,那就從 “Escape From Freedom” 開始吧

Friday, February 4, 2011


I feel apologized for those who cannot read Chinese. Since it is Chinese New Year, let me make it an exception in this U.S. album.

出來讀書快三年了,越發覺得回家過年竟是一種奢求. 更不用說身在惡毒的資本主義的國度裡會產生如何強烈的對歸家的渴望.

今年已經不是第一次沒回家過年.和台灣的朋友們與某些walk-in 的老外吃了“湯鍋”,咖喱, 打了台灣麻將,回去睡覺.中午吃飯的時候發現朋友們就穿上了喜慶的紅色, 所以我也搞了一個和紅色相關的顏色,算是耍賴吧. 其實最感謝的還是 Angus 負責一切組織和 Ms.Boss 的綠豆湯加紅包.

除了這之外, 沒什麼讓人特別開心的.甚至讓人覺得這個新年其實成了party, 認識的不認識的稀裡嘩啦都來湊熱鬧, 真的Chinese Food喲~~~ 大家除了寒暄幾句或者很多句之外,沒有真正的 “交流”,就像是在美國的party或者clubbing時,滿嘴的 “Awesome”.

“交換”本應該盡權利體會文化的詫異和沖擊,然而,早在09年我已經來過美國一次,這次已經完全失去新鮮感. 緩慢的生活節奏,蔓延的鄉村公路還有汽車電台裡不斷重復的流行歌曲,是一個享樂的發霉的地方.文化太雜太速食,hi-bye朋友比香港還多.大多數學生的娛樂方式就是clubbing, party,是一個纏綿於瘋狂和尋求性亂的時空. 是男生或許還會迷戀於幼稚的video game…… 如此種種,實在是很難說服自己投入他們的生活. 沒有和本地的朋友深入的交流,是一個遺憾,或者說不是. 他們本就沉浸於自己的生活,而我的到來和離去也不會改變什麼,let it be… 所以大部分來讀書或者交換的中國學生會在自己的圈子裡面埋堆,所以會有名為MUA的東西讓大家把火堆捧得更熱.並不是說不好,在某種程度上說,是很好的. 在陌生的環境下遇到屬於自己文化的東西時,比如春節,最希望的還是能和一個和自己來自同一個地方的人分享.



P.S. 外國人把春節叫做Chinese New Year, 即CNY.