After calculation, we walked roughly 15 miles in this single day in central D.C. AWESOME!! I love it, I enjoy it so much!! Well, you can do that everywhere, not only in D.C.
However, only in D.C. can you see: White house, 可远观而不可亵玩; Splendid Capital under the setting sun, Washington monument standing tall and upright in the biting wind, tens of museums of different kinds. AMAZING!!
Lunch in the chinese restaurant in China Town is not really chinese… what the FF 捞面 it is!! It is fried noodles in fact! And 叉烧is just pork without good preparation… The chefs wasted so many good food… While the dinner is good, I like it. Phily Cheesesteak with cranberry juice and baked potato. And I even found British accent in U.S.!! But they do need to change the waitress…
Even you will be mad at me, abuse me that I am a traitor and crazy about western things, I will still say:
中國北京天安門的確是輸給人家了, 輸得徹徹底底. 在Arlington, 在中心的大廣場, 我很享受作為一個游客的興奮. 一切都干干淨淨,整整齊齊, 沒有沿街叫賣的小攤小販, 沒有北京糖葫蘆和’清宮秘史’的宣傳單張 更沒有令人敬愛的便衣. 有的是一個國家的莊嚴肅穆和輕松愜意. Of course (in british accent), 我想到了故宮裡的星巴克, 想到紫禁城裡的髒亂差, 想到了'六''四'. 一個國家怎麼認識自己, 世界就會怎麼認識它: 故宮,紫禁城,天安門,在任何人眼中,都是中國的象征. 它們的管理者既然選擇了星巴克,選擇了魚龍混雜,選擇了隱藏事實,無論是什麼原因和動機,必然會承擔應該承擔的. 不是不報,時候未到.
我是天朝下的好公民,我是熱愛我們的文化的,我是自始至終是希望我的國家繁榮昌盛的. 但是, 面對這麼多讓人痛心疾首的事, 還承受著除了罵罵,我還能做什麼????
ReplyDeleteu should promise you will keep write "the U.S. diary" here!!! i love it!!
and hahaha remember my new name! Stacia, i love it coz the meaning of Stacia is the same with 甦, =revival,复活复苏!! ^^
Hey Stacia, a nice name haha
ReplyDeleteI try to 但是如果不隔开, 我share到facebook 的时候,就说 contains certain banned content, so...
and yea, I would for sure update this blog when i have something to say. so keep follow it