Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Hiking When The Buddha Was Born.

It doesn't seem to be more fun in HK than in the middle of nowhere in U.S. Humid, lazy, and every single word you could come up with in your mind is able to fully describe the boring life here.  

Everyone else, I guess, knows how to find something fun but me. Therefore, everyone else, but me, chose not to see some more nature and have fun outdoors. 

Well, as generous as I have always been XD, I would like to share every enjoyable moment and funny thought with anybody, as long as he or she wants to hear. 

 Landmark one: twin trees, where you know your journey is about to start, officially.

view of the Top of the Cloudy Hill, from the bottom. arar, it's not bad

If you see this, you should also see butterflies dancing romantically and having sex like no one is around.

cool and easy trail after an endless stairs passing the tomb garden

That's where I need to go to survive! but unfortunately, it's not the way to the top. Make a Left!!

What shows in front is another endless stairs up to somewhere nobody can say... well, I guess the Top

LOL, I was correct, almost there......  I was exhausted too

Hey Marc!! Do you still remember that we were taking photos at the highest point over there!!! HAHA, I will leave my footprint at every top in HK

A case in point, HERE

Hoo...  not really professional camper

And sometimes, we do need to be an AMERICAN!!!! lol
An interesting existence, which has to be built by some interesting minds

@@, do not understand, do not believe

Will you be my Valentine~~~

if you ever wanna feel fking awesome and get fking tan~~~
you know what to do XD

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