Thursday, October 13, 2011

It's been months that I haven't written anything on my blog, guessing that I am totally blink in my mind. Well, the freaky busy staff(you know better what they are, case comp, application, application, test, test test...) come overwhelmingly to me and knock me down, which is fine. Even tomorrow, I am going for another stupid test in KLT for 1.5 hours, I still want to say something. huuuu..... 成事在天,一切尽力就好。 =================================================== 暑假累死累活做完intern,学识到咨询的点点皮毛,还有点沾沾自喜。以为这下好了,毕业挺大机会进一间NB consulting,还可以试试各大bank。 其实纯属不知天高地厚。其实发现巨大差距,然后整个人都情绪低落、心事重重、不知道整天在干嘛。 好像每天都在忙,但是忙得又未必有个结果。越想越焦虑,越焦虑越想。 心里戏谑着四大,其实自己不一样的去报;嘴上说bank非我所爱,其实要是有offer,一样也屁颠屁颠的去了。 人啊,就是犯贱。 每次碰到谁,聊不了两句就是找工作,job hunting job hunting, 有时听到都烦,能不能不要整天都嚷嚷找工作,行不行啊... 还搞什么面试小组, sigh... 不过被逼无奈,再烦也得努力,是吧! 谋事在人, 成事在天,一切尽力就好

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