Wednesday, April 27, 2011



                                                            清华大学新闻与传播学院  蒋方舟

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Easter Easter, American Easter

Looking back to the past 20 years, I spent the most fabulous Easter in an american way, a real american way. Through the lovely, hilarious and smart little Spencer and Kaitlin, I saw myself running in the backyard of my apartment in my childhood. Well, I am nostalgic, I really am. 

Little Spencer and Kaitlin showed me around the huge garden their grand parents have, where there are a little bit of everything: pear tree, apple tree, peach tree, kiwi tree, blackberry, blueberry, raspberry, onion, lettuce, walnut, bamboo blablabla... Incredible!!

a piece of land growing baby onion and lettuce

 They said there's an pineapple growing here. LOL baby pineapple

Bamboo, from where I am from! they named it in different ways!! 

This is their house, I had one too long time ago

where smart fish is. called"xx"

Spencer's watermelon wood!!  LOL

Our little hero Spencer holding his war trophies firmly, a handful of baby onion. XD 

Kaitlin: Let's add some color to the egg and my day=)

Lizard Lizard. 

haha, my easter eggs overflowing the basket, my smile overspread in the air 

Hmm, hard-shell made-in-U.S. black walnut and made-in-china nut cracker

Spencer!!!  your poker face???  

Desserts come in the end, always tasty

After trail and error, we got our silver easter egg!!
Clue 1. you are flying high when you feeling so high >> go to the swing, found clue 2
Clue 2. caught one >> Spencer suddenly rushed to the pond, hah, there's an egg near the frog, caught it!
Clue 3. this egg maybe hanging around, but this color is waiting to be found >> go blue!!!
Clue 4. if ABC is 123, then this silver egg is found: 1,12,15,14,7|20,8,5|2,1,13,2,15,15|20,18,1,9,12>> Let's run to the bamboo trail!!!! and smart Spencer got his silver egg!! Hooray !!

Hopefully one day I could afford a piece of land in my hometown and play the game with my kids again

Monday, April 25, 2011

Shell Interview, 經驗分享......

很高興的去了Easter,  回來還要准備本來沒打算去的Shell.

中間和朋友去jogging 一下, 強身健體.

10pm prepare for interview.

坐定不久, 真的是困啊困, 看來沒有從上周的咖啡因中恢復過來.

12am 吃一個蘋果補充體能, 繼續看.

12:30am, 實在頂不住了, 開始小憩, 然後圖書館大叔很神奇的把我趕出了reading room... 那兒可是wifi 最好的地方啊... 大佬!

我睡眼朦朧下樓, 找個地方測試, 效果ok.

1:00am, 准時 unknown number. 一上來就說, 聽不清, 能不能用fixed line... 大半夜的我哪兒去找fixed line啊... 然後我們能很清楚的交流下次面試的時間等具體情況. 再然後你就拜拜.

這態度...  我只能破口大罵一番 法克魷! 草泥馬! DeLayNoMore!

好吧, 我回HK之後再和你玩

我貌似相當精神不濟, 以上言語可能混亂, 情見諒.

等正式in完之後再出分享貼, btw, 其實YJS網上的資源比較豐富, 值得參考.


Sunday, April 24, 2011

New Yorker, at Boston

Arriving, 5:35am...

Boston Sports Club, at 6:30am... This reminds me the story 
An ibanker squeezed sleeping time for sports and then died...

HOO, Starbucks

Church, Grand

Heiheihei, at MIT

STAT?? well, looks weird but the best in MIT campus

Harvard: Galileo was wrong, the earth is the center of the Universe!!
CCP: you know too much...

Founder John
had better not touch his feet since students are 'going to the John'

Enter, to grow in wisdom

Environmentally friendly

User Friendly...
@MIT Hostel, free for all...
our CUHK should have learned from them... it's time for CUSU to act!!!

This is MIT

Train Station
player and audience. This is called 'harmonious society', not the 和諧社會

Even they know more about what we need to know.... so sad...

Back to New York City!

The last supper at NYC

... ...
30-dollar Chinese Bus pulled up on the high way, caught by the corp... 

P.S.: Boston is an old lovely tiny town, where I would definitely prefer to live than in New York City, Though the weather was awful when I was there. Harvard is Harvard, MIT is MIT, that's where the elite make progress.

香港雜評: 梁文道:無知

香港雜評: 梁文道:無知: 十幾年前,有部比較敏感的紀錄片要在灣仔一家現已歇業了的戲院獨家放映。我記得這部電影甚至早在上映之前就掀起過一場小風波,問題出在它的題材,而港人當時對回歸的疑慮卻又揮之不去。就在這時,曝出令人吃驚的消息,那家電影院負責檢票帶位的工作人員竟然宣佈罷工。這些中老年人平日的工作無非就是用手電筒在黑暗中替觀眾指路,老闆都不怕,基層工人又有什麼好害怕的呢?許多評論家一邊以不屑的語氣嘲笑這些阿叔不自量力,一邊嚴肅地抨擊香港人那提前到來的自我審查。








Friday, April 22, 2011

Gossip IIIII

咖啡已經一周多沒喝過, 跑步每天都多跑了一些, 睡眠還是持續不足...



上了大學後, 從讀書無用, 到痛罵讀書無用.

最終還是自己沒讀好書, 有點可惜了我大學時光.

也沒有堅定的心, 也很容易被擊倒.

一開始說過程更重要, 然後自己卻更加注重結果忽略過程.

是不是真該有一次摔得粉身碎骨的經歷, 才明白?

Thursday, April 21, 2011

香港雜評: 蔡子強:政治學金句

香港雜評: 蔡子強:政治學金句: "書寫人生】隨着日本大地震的震撼開始降低,利比亞內戰又重新進入媒體和公眾的視野當中。






(We have no eternal allies and we have no perpetual enemies. Our interests are eternal and perpetual, and those interests it is our duty to follow.)






(Foreign policy is an extension of domestic politics.)



Monday, April 18, 2011

Gossip IIII


不是吧, 我已经不知道什么是病的感觉了

之前认为我是紧张过度, 其实我确实很紧张,越想越紧张...

不知道为啥我连面试都这么紧张, 好久没试过这样了

因为怕没offer 吧..

在美国读了些书, 本以为人淡定了, 然后发现我越来越不淡定了

上帝为了惩罚我, 更让我天天喝咖啡...

以后去starbucks还是吃cheesecake 算了

做啥貌似都没动力, 我不能figure out why.

anyway, 我不要太晚睡, 希望明天能舒服些

Japan and the global supply chain: Broken links | The Economist

Might be the time to shift to 'just-in-case' from 'Just-in-time'

Japan and the global supply chain: Broken links | The Economist

LAST year Iceland’s volcanic ash disrupted air transport across Europe and gave the world’s manufacturing supply chain one of its biggest tests since the advent of the low-inventory, just-in-time era. Now, Japan’s quadruple disaster—earthquake, tsunami, nuclear alert and power shortages—has put the supply chain under far greater stress. Three weeks after the massive quake, the extent and likely duration of the disruption are still unclear.
There are some enlightening similarities between the shocks that manufacturers are now suffering and those that buffeted the banking system in the 2008 financial crisis. In both cases two of the biggest surprises were the unexpected connections the crisis uncovered, and the extent of the contagion. The problems began in a seemingly well-contained part of the system—subprime mortgages in the case of finance, in manufacturing’s case a natural disaster in an economic backwater—but quickly spread.
Like the sudden evaporation of liquidity that the banks experienced, factories are finding that parts that had always turned up reliably have stopped coming. As with financial regulators’ discovery of how poorly they understood the “shadow banking” system and arcane derivatives contracts, manufacturers are discovering how little they know about their suppliers’ suppliers and those even farther down the chain. When Lehman went bust, other banks struggled to measure their exposure because Lehman turned out to be not a single institution but a tangle of many entities. Assembly firms are now finding that their supply chain looks much the same.
Manufacturers around the world are now racing to secure supplies of the scarcest components and materials, pushing up their prices. Carmakers in Japan and America have had to scale back production. Toyota fears a scarcity of 500 rubber, plastic and electronic parts. It is not yet clear how much worse things will get as existing stocks run down. Nor can Japanese suppliers be sure yet of how soon they can get back up to speed: hundreds of aftershocks, some strong enough to disrupt production, have rumbled on since the main quake. Given the loss of a very large nuclear plant and shutdowns of others, power shortages may extend for years.Just as some financial institutions proved “too big to fail”, some Japanese suppliers are now revealed to be too crucial to do without. For example, two firms, Mitsubishi Gas Chemical and Hitachi Chemical, control about 90% of the market for a specialty resin used to bond parts of microchips that go in to smartphones and other devices. Both firms’ plants were damaged. The compact battery in Apple’s iPods relies on a polymer made by Kureha, which holds 70% of the market, and whose factory was damaged.
Even before the extent of the disruption becomes clear, it seems certain that Japan’s disaster will have a lasting impact on how manufacturers manage their operations, says Hans-Paul Bürkner, boss of the Boston Consulting Group, who was in Tokyo this week. “It is very important now to think the extreme,” he says. “You have to have some buffers.”
Over the past decade or so the just-in-time concept of having supplies delivered at the last minute, so as to keep inventories down, has spread down the global manufacturing chain. Now, say economists at HSBC, this chain may be fortified with “just-in-case” systems to limit the damage from disruptions.
For instance, suppliers who have near-monopolies on crucial parts and materials may be pressed to spread their production facilities geographically. Their customers may, as a precaution, also switch part of their orders to smaller rivals. Hiwin, a Taiwanese firm with 10% of the market for “linear motion guides”, used in industrial machines, may gain share from customers of Japan’s THK, which dominates the market with a 55% share and which faces power cuts, suggests CLSA, a stockbroker.
Assembly firms will be under the same financial pressures as before to keep their inventories of supplies down. So a new growth industry may emerge from the crisis: that of holding and maintaining essential stocks on behalf of manufacturers.
Industrial firms, having spent years becoming ever leaner in their production techniques and, in the process, making themselves more vulnerable to these sorts of supply shocks, will now have to go partly into reverse, giving up some efficiency gains to become more robust. One consolation is that their problem of “too crucial to do without” suppliers looks a lot easier to solve than the conundrum of the “too big to fail” banks.

Sunday, April 17, 2011

Gossip III


后来发现睡不着觉了, 吃饭也不香了, 胃又不舒服,难道上帝要我减肥..


头晕脑胀,实在百无聊赖, 现在才九点三.

明天晚上还有面试, 挺想去的公司. 还是没精神继续准备, 也没想好怎么entertain那位senior consultant.

我还在自我介绍里说我有 vigor 和 perseverance.  这是叫 伤不起..??

anyway. 我要睡了, 祝好运

Saturday, April 9, 2011

New Yorker, United Nation


Horrible... the civilian population were accidentally stepped on bombs and lost their legs...

found after nuclear attack in Japan

Universal Declaration of Human Rights
railway joining Chengdu and Kunming, two cities in China
ironic, made of 8 elephant ivory, right before banning of ivory trade

remind me of GUNDAM....

School box, filled with love and care

Sports box, with love and care

Place refugees live temporarily

We need to, intelligently, distribute our money to places where it can make the best effects.

Friday, April 8, 2011

New Yorker, Lovely Live Music

Central Park-Jazz Player

Central Park-M.J. dancer

Central Park-No Name

Randomly walked in the sea port, (sorry I forgot the name but I do love you guys).I can even enjoy the night view of Brooklyn Bridge, as the vivid music lingering around

Interaction with audience

singer like a doll

handsome keyboard

funny Gypson

Charming Chorus